DRC Newsletter

The Disability Resource Centre
February EDITION 2025
Explore the Latest News and Updates
The Disability Resource Centre (DRC) is a day centre providing services for physically disabled and sensory impaired people living in Renfrewshire.
Welcome to the DRC Newsletter
• News about the Disability Resource Centre
• Details of the DRC's MovieMakers group
• Contributions from "Magic of Words"
• Examples from the Photography group
• Links to external sites we hope you find interesting
Please note links to albums or movies will open in a new page of your web browser
- just close it to return to this one.

Click on the above image,
this will take you to our
Moviemakers Website

(Friday, 31st of January 2025)
The 'Count Me In' Workshop was held last Friday by Julie and Liam from Values in Action.
A brilliant way to spend a Friday morning: learning valuable skills

"The Computer, Tablets and IT Group"
(Monday, 3rd of February 2025)
The Computer, Tablets and IT Group were busy this morning: surfing, checking emails and keeping in touch.
The group had a discussion on AI and what it means. Audio books were ordered online for one of our customers.
Brilliant wee group!!​

"Remote Upcycling Sewing Workshop - Week 2"
(Monday, 3rd of February 2025)
Remote Upcycling Sewing Workshop - Week 2.
The creation of the waistcoat from other recycled fabric continues!!
It was a hive of activity this morning.
Well, done everyone.

Play NHS Wordsearch
To help increase knowledge of the signs of a stroke and encourage people to dial 999 immediately, there is a FREE to play stroke-themed wordsearch today.
Stroke Prevention Day
Stroke Prevention is to help increase public knowledge of the signs of a stroke and encourage people to dial 999 immediately, there is a stroke-themed wordsearch for you to complete today. 
A stroke strikes every five minutes. Every year in the UK, there are around 100,000 strokes, causing 38,000 stroke-related deaths, and it is a leading cause of disability.
Stroke symptoms might be less dramatic, painful or obvious than you might expect. Like not being able to raise your arm, struggling to smile, or slurred speech.
Whether it is a friend, loved one or even a passer-by, any sign of a stroke is always an emergency, so call 999 immediately if you or someone else experiences a single symptom. 
Acting FAST on any sign of a stroke gives patients faster access to specialist treatment that could save their life. 
Face or  Arm or  Speech, at the first sign, it’s Time to call 999. 
We hope the wordsearch puzzle is fun and informative.
For more information, visit www.nhs.uk/ActFAST.

DRC Newsletter, Editor's View.
The DRC Newsletter, published and updated weekly and monthly by “The Movie Makers Group,” is available on the DRC Facebook page for your information and enjoyment. We welcome your ideas and suggestions.
Please use the "How to Contact Us" page (above) to share any topics or content you would like to see included in future editions.